German, Croatian, Slovenian, Hungarian
Flight time
2 hours and 14 minutes from the UK
time difference
UTC/GMT +1 hours
best time to go

Introducing Austria

Vacations to Austria certainly have something to offer everyone, from the rich arts and music that fill Vienna’s cobblestone streets to the thrilling rail network that slash through sheer mountain ranges and stunning glacier landscapes.

This alluring location features grand cities with Gothic architecture and beautifully adorned music halls, hearty cuisine, and spectacular lakes set against magnificent alpine landscapes.

Resorts in Austria

Top Locations in Austria

Experience skiing in Austria
The country offers a range of pristine pistes to enjoy being active outdoors and soaking up the vast landscapes, such as Kitzbühel in Tirol or Innsbruck, recognised as the ‘capital of the Alps’.
Visit the Hofburg
The Hofburg is Austria's Imperial Palace, located in Vienna. This was the residence of the Royal Family, also known as the Hasburgs, in olden periods. Although the public can see some areas of the palace, the President primarily uses it these days.
Tribute to Mozart in Salzburg
In 1756, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria. Mozart's Birthplace is the appropriately titled museum that was once his modest home at Number 9 Getreidegasse. Family heirlooms, musical instruments, and paintings of Mozart can be found throughout the property.
The National Theatre
Emperor Joseph II established the National Theatre, usually referred to as the Burgtheater, in Vienna, the capital of Austria, in the 18th century. With four distinct stages, it is the most well-known theatre in all of Austria and has hosted performances by some of the biggest names on the continent. Along with the performances presented here, the venue's interior includes a variety of paintings, sculptures, and artefacts from the Baroque era that provide insight into the history of the structure.
The largest ice cave in the world is Eisriesenwelt, which translates to "World of the Ice Giants" in German, and it is situated not far from Salzburg. As a result, if you're in the vicinity, be sure to stop by the amazing 42-kilometer-long cave in the Hochkogel Mountain in the Tennengebirge region of the Alps.
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